Vow Renewal

Today you about to re-new your wedding vows. The renewal vows you take today are just as meaningful today as they where-----------------ago. Today you will demonstrate to each other and your family and friends of a marriage built on love, trust, honor, and commitment. In the past--------------years of your marriage I'm sure you had some hard times, times of sadness and times of joy. But when the storms of marriage came, your love and commitment saw you though. What a great testimony to each other, and your children.

(grooms name and brides name) we are here today as you reaffirm your love and commitment to each other by the renewal of your wedding vows. In todays world when 1 out of 5 marriages are ending in divorce. Today you are saying to each other my love, and commitment is just as strong as it was --------- years ago and if I had to do it all over again I would........And now you are about to do just that!!!!!!! It is with great joy that your children, grandkids, family, and friends are gather here today to be apart of this very special day.

Bride and groom repeat same vows
Grooms name.... Do you take.... Brides name... To be your wife and renew your marriage vows today. Do you once again romise to love and honor her for better...And better. For as long as you both shall live.

Ring exchange bride and groom repeat same
With this ring I give to you my promise that from this day forward you will not walk alone. May my heart be your treasure and my arms be your home. May we walk together though all things, may you feel deeply loved for indeed you are.

And now after ----------------years of being married once again I pronounce you husband--and--wife..You may kiss you new bride...




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