Tribute To Parents
Thank you for all the years of love and guidance that has lead
bride groom here to day.
They stand here before you hand & hand with
past experiences of things they have learned from you, there
parents. the love & respect that they share with each other
is an example of your influence on there lives.
Today they will exchange there wedding vows
& be faithful to one another from this day forward. Your
love is strong and you have given them the strength of your
Today they're celebrating the love & happiness
that you there parents have shown them & that they have
found in each other.
Honor to Parents
This day, we stand together joined in love and commitment to
each other, and walk in your footsteps just a little while longer.
For this day, we take the first steps into the rest our lives
away from you who guided and loved us all these years.
Thank you for the sacrifices you made, thank
you for protecting us from imagined monsters under the bed,
and real ones out in the world. There will never be another
love like yours.
But this day, we leave to start our own lives
together and take with us all youve taught us, and we
will honor you when one day we give our children what you gave
us- confidence, wisdom, knowing right from wrong, and most of
all - unconditional love.